Easy opening / maximum space - storage container with practical sectional door
Whether as a small mobile garage in the schoolyard, a flexible storage room on the kindergarten grounds or a versatile storage facility on sports fields: The new and easy-to-open sectional door transforms your CONTAINEX storage container into a convenient storage space!
Sectional doors open vertically and lie space-savingly under the ceiling - for maximum space in and in front of the container. The smooth-running door can be opened manually and locked by means of a burglar-resistant catch lock and turn handle with steel cylinder. The contents of the storage room are optimally protected.
Thanks to the robust design made of sheet metal on both sides, 42 mm PU foam, the durable surface (Woodgrain) and the high level of tightness, the storage container with sectional door defies all weather conditions. The sectional door is available in proven CONTAINEX quality for storage containers in sizes 10' and 20' and in various colours.
The advantages are summarised once again:
Smooth, manual opening
- Locked by means of burglar-proof latch and turn handle with steel cylinder
- Durable surface (woodgrain)
- Robust design due to sheet metal on both sides and 42mm PU foam insulation
- Available in different colours: RAL 5010, RAL 9010, RAL 7035
- Available for storage containers 10' and 20'
Odošlite teraz nezáväzne Váš dopyt na skladový kontajner!
Potrebujete krátkodobo viac miesta na skladovanie alebo hľadáte dlhodobú možnosť skladovania, ktorá je vysokej kvality, rýchlo dostupná a vybavená rôznymi zabezpečeniami proti vlámaniu? Potom ste so skladovým kontajnerom alebo Mover-Box® od spoločnosti CONTAINEX v najlepších rukách. Najlepšie bude, keď nám pošlete Váš nezáväzný dopyt a presvedčíte sa sami – spoločnosť CONTAINEX je riešením pre mobilné priestorové systémy, a to už vyše 40 rokov!
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