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40 years of CONTAINEX

CONTAINEX‘s journey from its origins to becoming Europe‘s leading provider of mobile space systems is a success story. The pioneering work was underway in the 1980s.
40 years of CONTAINEX

The foundation was laid in 1979, when sister company LKW WALTER created a new business area: the trade with used shipping containers. In 1981, this business area became a separate company – and CONTAINEX was born. In 1983, the new company brought portable cabins to Austria for the first time.

What started as a one-man band was destined to expand rapidly. In 1992, a second branch was opened in Kufstein, with new markets opening up throughout Europe and overseas. CONTAINEX remains true to the motto "space at once" to this day.

Non avete ancora trovato il prefabbricato modulare che fa al caso vostro?

Noi di CONTAINEX abbiamo la soluzione giusta per le vostre esigenze individuali. Saremo lieti di assistervi con una consulenza mirata per trovare i prefabbricati modulari giusti per voi. Inviateci adesso la vostra richiesta senza alcun impegno!

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